
Hi, I’m Gail

I’m happy you’re here!



I’m a mixed media artist living in Alaska. I work with acrylics, alcohol inks, paint pens, markers, crayons, charcoal, and collage. I love incorporating found objects and thrift store finds into my art, and I especially love incorporating things that are unique to the places I travel as well as from my beautiful home state of Alaska.

My paintings are free flowing abstract works. When I start a painting I have no idea what I’m going to make. I enter a flow state and let my intuition guide me. The outcome is always a surprise to me. Entering this flow state is a feeling I crave, and this is the reason I paint.

I infuse my paintings with love. I often begin by writing inspirational words or phrases on the first layer. This serves as an intention for me as the artist as well as for the viewer.